I went to the Boston University Photonics Center for a portfolio review on Saturday. It was sponsored by Griffin Museum of Photography and the Photographic Resource CenterI am looking for some honest feedback on my work. I had 4 different professionals review my "Working on the Railroad" series. (Plus a couple of the "Ghosts of the Railroad" series. )
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Week of April 18th
I am glad that I am off this week from my day job. Last week I heard Thomas Werner Projects speak and I am in the process of updating website, blog, and portfolio. (Among other items) I learned a lot and I am so glad that I was able to attend. Thanks ASMP New England Chapter. Be on the look out for updates! Thanks for visiting and happy shooting
John-Roy Photography
The Importance of Watermarking
Check out this article about watermarking your images before you post them on the web. http://scottwyden.com/importance-of-watermarking/#axzz1GdEoqwDp
Thanks for visting and happy shooting
John-Roy Photography
My new website is up
After a lot of waiting, my new website is finally up on LiveBooks. I am going to miss my site on foliolink but it was time to move on. In the 3 years that i was on there I had
- 3,622 visitors
- Visits from 49 out of 50 states. (does anyone know someone in North Dakota?)
- Visits from numerous other countries. (here is a few)
- Canada 39
- Brazil 29
- United Kingdom 24
- Russia 11
- Iran 1
Please check my new site out and let me know what you think. www.john-roy.com
My favorite abandoned car
Moving my Blog
I have decided to move my blog to blogger. Please update your links http://www.johnroyphoto.blogspot.com/