I went to the Boston University Photonics Center for a portfolio review on Saturday. It was sponsored by Griffin Museum of Photography and the Photographic Resource CenterI am looking for some honest feedback on my work. I had 4 different professionals review my "Working on the Railroad" series. (Plus a couple of the "Ghosts of the Railroad" series. )
My first reviewer was someone who reviewed my work a year ago. (Heather Fredrick from VOX Photographs) She, just like last year gave me some real honest feedback. She was impressed with how much I have grown over the last year. She made some suggestions and helped me group my images. She wanted me to send her one of my photographs so she could have it on her desktop. (The image of the Railroad Spike)
I also had a photographer from ASMP New England Peter Vanderwarker. He had some suggestions on were I might be able to have my work displayed in New England. He made some suggestions of things that I may want to add to the series. (Railroad bridges etc)
I had another reviewer from NESOP. Now I have heard horror stories from a lot professional photographers about having a 20 something years old art director as a boss. Now I see what they are talking about. She did not she my Vision. She HATED the image that Heather loved so much. It was nice to get different opinion but to be that far off base was another thing.
I had only signed up for 3 reviews. But when I found out that Jim Fitts, an art director that I had from CDIA, had some spots open, I took advantage of the opportunity to have him review my work again . Jim told me 4 years ago that I had an eye for fine art/story telling. I was quite upset at the time. I thought that weddings were the way to go. MAN was I ever wrong. Even after all this time Jim still remembered a fine art photo that I had taken and used for my final show for graduation. (Dry Cycles) Jim made suggestions as well as far as networking etc.
Over all this was a positive experience for me