I just wanted to let everyone know that after putting the camera down for a little while I have decided to come back. I was a little burnt out with everything that was going on in my life and I put the camera down. (Sometimes that is the best thing to do for creatively)
A couple of things that I am planning on doing or have done so far this year
I am back on the Board of Directors of ASMPNE I stepped down a few years ago when I got burnt out and now I am back on. I do not have an official job title but I am going to be doing something.
I am going to NYC in July. My plan is to there for Bastille Day. I was there a few years ago and I have always wanted to go back. (Now that I know how to take pictures I am expecting much better results)
I am going to South Beach again in October. I was there in 2013 and I have always wanted to go back
Going to network more. (Both in my professional life as well as my personal life)
I am going to study Buddhism. I have been doing this a little and want to continue. (this will help with my inner peace search as well)
I am going to be more appreciative of the little things in my life. I have been pretty lucky and I have learned to appreciate things and not sweat the small shit anymore.
I am going to try and get a book published.
I have been updating my website and plan on finishing it by April 1st
I am going to blog more.
I am going to publish to social media more. (I reinstalled Hoots Suite on my Phone)
I am going to complete an online class that is being taught by one of my hero’s Joel Meyerowitz. At publication of this blog, I am a third of the way through the class and I have been learning a lot.
I am going to look into taking more classes
I am going to work on my Street Photography, I have bought several books and I plan and taking the lessons/assignments in them
So as you can see, I am pretty excited about the New Year and I looking forward to new challenges.
Let’s end this with a video!