I just wanted to update everyone on my progress. (Or should I say lack there of)
I am back on the Board of Directors of ASMPNE I stepped down a few years ago when I got burnt out and now I am back on. I do not have an official job title but I am going to be doing something. (I AM HAPPY TO REPORT THAT THIS IS DONE!) I have been given the title of Programs Chair
I am going to NYC in July. My plan is to there for Bastille Day. I was there a few years ago and I have always wanted to go back. (Now that I know how to take pictures I am expecting much better results) (THIS MIGHT HAVE TO BE PUT ON HOLD BECAUSE MY CAR RECENTLY DIED) I ended up going to Rochester, NY to help out my daughter, I was disappointed because there was a power outage and that would have made an interesting photo opportunity.
I am going to South Beach again in October. I was there in 2013 and I have always wanted to go back (THIS MIGHT HAVE TO BE PUT ON HOLD BECAUSE MY CAR RECENTLY DIED) This was not in the cards.
Going to network more. (Both in my professional life as well as my personal life) (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) I did OK on this. I would give myself a C+,
I am going to study Buddhism. I have been doing this a little and want to continue. (this will help with my inner peace search as well) (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) FAILED (unless you count burning incents)
I am going to be more appreciative of the little things in my life. I have been pretty lucky and I have learned to appreciate things and not sweat the small shit anymore. (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) I did OK on this. I would give myself a C+,
I am going to try and get a book published. (I HAVE BEEN CONCENTRATING ON MY WEBSITE) Major fail on this one)
I have been updating my website and plan on finishing it by April 1st (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) Major fail on this one)
I am going to blog more. (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) Major fail on this one) (I did start out strong)
I am going to publish to social media more. (I reinstalled Hoots Suite on my Phone) I AM HAPPY TO REPORT THAT I HAVE BEEN POSTING AN IMAGE A DAY TO MY SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS. Major fail on this one) (I did start out strong)
I am going to complete an online class that is being taught by one of my hero’s Joel Meyerowitz. At publication of this blog, I am a third of the way through the class and I have been learning a lot. I COMPLETED THIS. I REALLY LEARNED A LOT FROM THE COURSE!
I am going to look into taking more classes I HAVE SIGNED UP FOR A STREET PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE WITH THE GRIFFIN. IT STARTS AT THE END OF APRIL AND I CANNOT WAIT. I am happy to report that I loved the class. I am hoping to take more classes next year.
I am going to work on my Street Photography, I have bought several books and I plan and taking the lessons/assignments in them. THESE ARE ON MY BOOK READ PILE
Items that I have accomplished
I am starting to read Zen Camera
My next book is Tao of Photography
I had a gallery show at SoWa at the Griffin.
I have started collecting photography books. My current count is about 150. You will be amazed at what you can find at used book stores. My favorite book find would have to be Portraits Helmut Newton and by far my favorite image from the book is this one
I also have been shooting film with my street photography. I just have to hook up my scanner so I can scan the film.