I had another portfolio review again with ASMPNE this year. It was an another great learning experience. ASMPNE is a professional photography organization that I was heavily involved with as a member of the board of directors. My title was Web Guru but I recently stepped down after 3 1/2 years. (This was my last event as a board member) It was a great experience but it was time to move on.
I brought 3 different bodies of work with me.
South Beach (images from a trip that I made to South Beach at Halloween in 2013)
Harvard-Yale Game(images from a trip to Harvard Square that I took the same day as the Harvard Yale game day.)
Zombies(image of people who on the street that are totally focused on their cell phones)
Here is a run down of my reviews (in no particular order)
Elaine Totten Davis - ETD Coaching
Elaine was great. (I had her last year as well)
Elaine like my work and she encouraged me to continue with my direction. (She even suggested that I work on doing a blog post with my images from the Zombie collection. (that is a current work in progress)
Elaine loved the idea of me going to Yale this year to photograph the other side of the Harvard-Yale game. (which I have been debating for a while)
Thomas Werner, International Photography Consultant and Educator.
Thomas was great. (I had him last year as well)
Thomas really liked my work. He was commenting that I was able to successfully separate my subjects from the background.
He wants to see my images from the Harvard-Yale game from the Yale Campus.
We did have a nice discussion about the Zombie series how people are so focused on the phones and not paying attention to the world around them. The work of Eric Pickersgill came up. (Eric is a photographer who photographed people using technology and then he removed them out in Photoshop to give a different perspective on how technology is causing us to disconnect from one another)
Paula Tognarelli, Griffin Museum of Photography
I had Paula last year as well.
Paula encouraged me to continue my work. Hopefully I can find a couple of more images from South Beach. (I might be able to get a show out of it) I am going to redo my selects.
We also talked a little about Eric Pickersgill.
I am going to continue going to events at the Griffin to build more of a following.
Frank Meo, The Photo Closer
I really liked Frank. He was disappointed that I was not marketing myself more. He suggested that I get a mailer and send something out once month just to keep things fresh. (which is something I am going to try and do)
Frank commented that my work stands on its own. If there was something wrong with my technical skills; he would have a totally different conversation with me.
And again, Eric Pickersgill. came up in the review.
Bill Gallery, Bill Gallery Photography
David Binder. David Binder Photography
I had a tag team review with Bill and David. Both of they liked my work and encouraged me to keep going.
(Of course Eric Pickersgill name came up in the review)
Their suggestion was to keep shooting and marketing myself.
Alex Camlin, Da Capo Press and Alex Camlin Design
Alex liked my work and he encouraged me to continue. Hopefully I can get a book out of it.
Peter Dennen, Pedro and Jackie
Peter liked my work but unfortunately, he works mostly with commercial photographers. He liked my work and encouraged me to continue. (The review was pretty short)
Overall the portfolio was a great experience. I just with they had more Fine Art people there.. Hopefully they will have some next year.