dry cycles

Originally uploaded by John-Roy

I entered another competition at camera club and won another ribbon. This image got second place. Not bad for a hail mary shot. I was sent out on Moody Street and was told to shoot circles and/or round “things” and this is what I can back with. I did “tweak” it a little in Photoshop but I kept the original theme of the image.

New blog address!

  I am in the middle of moving my web-page to a new domain and I had to redo my blog.  Thank God I was able to import my old blog here.  I will let everyone know when the official unveiling of www.john-roy.com is available.  In the mean time, click here to see my temporary site while everything is moved. 

Personal projects

  I have been so busy with school, the holiday, and family issues I have not been able to shoot.  I need some time to recharge my batteries.  Hopefully with this week off, I can do some shooting.  Monday and Tuesday I have stuff going on but I am free all week. 

Another year has come and gone

Another year has come and gone. (close enough)  I am looking forward to the new year.  I have high hopes that my photography will take off.  (I have to keep it as a second income)  I just plan of keeping my fingers crossed and my chin up.  What is the worst that can happen?  I fall flat on my face.  Well fuck, at-least I tried.  It is better then what my father did.  He worked at a job he hated because of the retirement benefits.  (pension)  What fucking good did it do? He died in his early 60's with less then five years of retirement under his belt.  (the last year he was sick)  I am happy where I am now, I just need another income to provide for my family.

Final project for school

I finally finished my final project for school. (I just have to show them to my instructor/advisor.)  For those of you who do not know, I was doing a set of portraits in the style of Platon.  (www.platonphoto.com)  Platon uses wide angle lens to do his portraits.  We are not talking about fun house mirror looking images, just tastefully done.  He did an image of Obama that is fantastic.  (It was on the cover of time)   Please take a look at his work and see for yourself.

The gallery page is www.john-roy.com/gallery/final