Ansel Adams


Most people complain that today's photographers "cheat" by using photoshop.  I would have to disagree.  With photoshop you can adjust contrast, levels, burn and dodge without wasting chemical, paper and time.  People have always played with their work.  Ansel Adams moonrise hernandez new mexico was one of his most corrected image.  It took him untold amount of time to "correct" that image. 

Another image that I saw of Admas was on a valley in the Rockies.  (Sorry I do not remeber the name of the print but I saw it at the MFA in 2006)  He was UNHAPPY that the beautiful valley had a parking lot so he took it out.  If you did that in photoshop today people would get all upset. 

Outdoor Photographer stated some of the same things in this article

I found another page that backs up the Ansel Adams connection

gallery show update

  In June, when I have my gallery show, I plan on donating a portion of any print sales to the Children's Tumor Fund.  They are the leading not-for-profit dedicated to fighting neurofibromatosis.  This is genetic disorder that I have as well as my daugter.  (It also effects several other family members.)  In the mean time, all my images on exposure-manager will be eligible for that donation. 


   After a long hard day of work, I grabbed my camera and went into Boston to take pictures to help clear my head.  It did wonders!  It was one of the first times I took out my 50 mm lens out and loved it.  It was hard to use a fixed focal lens at first but it was kind of fun after a while. 

My little angel Carin

My girl is turning 9 and we had a birthday party for her today at Plasjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgter Fjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgun Tjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgime. 

 Ijohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgjohn_roy_080308_1169-edit.jpgt was a lot of fun and she had 12 friends come and I was there taking pictures.  Carin is use to the camera by now but her friends were not crazy about it. The girl pictured here is Kathy. Her mother and my wife went to college together.  More pictures to follow!